A woman advising a young man in her sunlit office. In the background there is a window, houseplants, and a bookcase containing volumes on the MCAT and health professions.

AP and IB Credit

Many students enter the University of Maryland with AP or IB credits. 

The transfer credit website lists all courses and scores for which the University of Maryland awards AP/IB credit.

Professional schools are not entirely consistent as to how they treat Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) credit. Students are advised to check individual school web pages for the most current information regarding their policies regarding these credits. Most frequently, professional Schools subscribe to the following policies:

AP/IB Calculus

Only a minority of medical schools and even fewer dental schools state a specific requirement for mathematics or calculus courses. Individual program websites are  the best source to find the requirements of specific schools. In our experience, the schools that require mathematics DO accept AP/IB credit for that requirement. We do not recommend that students who have received credit for AP/IB math repeat those courses. If you love math, you should feel free to go forward with additional and new courses in math, but repeating courses you have received credit for is not necessary.

AP/IB Biology

Nearly all medical schools require at least two biology courses with formal laboratories and we have found that they are generally strict about the laboratory requirement. Medical schools typically do not specify which biology courses with a lab they require. Students who have received credit for BSCI 160/161 and/or BSCI 170/171 should NOT elect to repeat these courses. Instead, they should plan to move forward into new biology content. In general, BSCI 223 and 330 are good choices to start with as both have a lab. Additional courses in genetics, biochemistry and physiology are also strongly encouraged.

AP/IB Chemistry

Most professional schools will expect you to complete 4-5 semesters of chemistry in college. Students who receive an AP score of 4 or 5 should plan to take CHEM 231 and 232, CHEM 241 and 242, CHEM 271 and 272 (a score of 5 will only require 272) and BCHM.  It is NOT necessary for students to start with CHEM 131 and 132.

Students who receive an AP score of 5 should plan to take CHEM 231 and 32, CHEM 241 and 42, CHEM 272 and an additional course in chemistry. Most students will opt for that additional chemistry course to be biochemistry, BCHM 461 or 463. It is NOT necessary for students to start with CHEM 131 and 32.

Most medical schools and dental schools require biochemistry, Some optometry schools require biochemistry. You should check to see if schools to which you may want to apply require or strongly recommend biochemistry.

AP Physics

There are four PHYS AP exams for which PHYS credit is awarded, Phys C(80), Phys C (82), Phys 1 (83) and Phys 2(84). With a score of 4 or 5, credit is awarded. For (80) and (82), one semester lecture and lab is awarded. In this event, you must still complete one semester of lecture and lab in college. For (83), credit for the first full semester of PHYS is awarded (PHYS 121). For (84), students receive the second semester of PHYS credit (PHYS 122). All students are encouraged to complete at least one semester of PHYS with a lab at UMD, even if two semesters of AP credit are awarded.

AP/ IB English

Nearly all professional schools require 2 semesters of writing intensive English or Literature. University of Maryland general education requirements for ENGL satisfy this requirement. If you have received AP credit for ENGL 101, you may complete just 39X.